Reading/Writing Task #8: Activity VIII: Achieved Goals

This semester has honestly felt like a breeze compared to 11th grade. I was always told that, that 11th grade is always harder than senior year because that’s when you need to prepare for your College Board or SAT’s. I didn’t believe that at first, but I can confirm; it’s 100% true!

I had told myself I was going to get all good grades this year because I wanted to get into my dream university and study my honest passion, acting (and because I get money from my grandparents at the end of the year if I get good grades, but that’s besides the point). I’m really trying my best to enjoy this year to the fullest, because the thought of leaving and not seeing any of the usual faces I see every single day is a little scary.

I will admit, I’m going to miss these days; the days Teresita scolded us, math class with Nacho and falling asleep in long and endless classes. I always say that I can’t wait to leave, but I know that thought will quickly fade that first day of college.

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